N: Rich, very spicy, but with a sweet and slightly vegetal edge which leaves you in no doubt that this is new-make. Hint of fresh-paint volatility too.

P: Initially very creamy mouthfeel, viscous. Good quality spirit. An initial burst of Rye Spice subsides very quickly and develops into fresh fruit and grape skins.

F: Spiciness (and earthiness) build exponentially to an absolutely enormous finish complete with Cinnamon, Clove and more than a hint of paraffin-smoke.

O: Robust, and incredibly earthy. Whilst a far cry from the smooth, spicy and voluptuous Ryes we know and love, this is definitely one of the more complex new-make spirits I’ve tried. A must-have for anyone who’s a hardcore Rye fan.

We’d definitely take a case or two if it came into the UK.

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